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A man presses the button on a "Ring" internet video door-bell from

Smart Doorbells are Gaining Popularity

These days, it seems like just about everyone has a smart doorbell. Doorbell surveillance is one of the most frequently installed smart home features, and with good reason. They help provide an additional level of security to your home, providing a layer of protection just by their presence, and reinforcing that protection by giving you a clear view of people who are or have been at your door. There are several advantages to smart doorbells, though, that you may not have considered.

A Smart Doorbell Can Save You Money on Homeowner’s Insurance

Smart doorbells deter criminals, and they’re also useful for collecting evidence if an incident occurs. Because of that, home insurance companies often offer incentives to those who install this type of doorbell. Check with your insurance company, because you may be able to cut costs on your policy.

Video Doorbells Can Help the Police

Because they gather information about what’s happening at your front door, video doorbells can collect evidence for the police. This is helpful if there is an incident at your home, but smart doorbells have helped police solve other types of crimes, too. By capturing footage of the area in front of your house, your smart doorbell can capture evidence of crimes nearby, potentially thwarting crimes like kidnapping, car theft, burglary, and assault.

A Wireless Doorbell Camera Keeps You in the Loop

Do you want to know when your package arrives? Do you want to know who is at your door, even when you’re not home? A smart doorbell gives you a clear view of what’s happening, even if you’re nowhere nearby. When you’re home, the smart doorbell lets you check to see who is at the door, so that you can decide whether or not to answer it without having to go to the door and look out. Even in the dark, smart doorbells use night vision technology to keep you abreast of activity at your door.

A Connected Doorbell Syncs with Your Smart Home Devices

As part of a complete smart home, door entry is the first line of defense for your house. A smart doorbell can be integrated with existing smart home devices, like Alexa or Google Nest, so that the technology throughout your home can work together seamlessly. It is tremendously convenient to be able to control all of these different systems in your home remotely, at the touch of a button.

A Remote Doorbell Helps You Speak to Visitors Safely

With a remote doorbell, you don’t have to go to the door to speak to a visitor. Smart doorbells feature two-way communication, so that you can answer the door without opening it or even being near it. You can give instructions to someone delivering a package, deter a burglar checking to see if anyone is home, and use your smart doorbell to keep children safe when they’re home by themselves.

Talk to Accurate Security About a New Smart Doorbell

Since 1968, Accurate Security has served homes and businesses in the Lower Mainland, and we’re the Greater Vancouver area’s premier choice for safety and security. One of the few family businesses left in the industry, Accurate Security was founded by Mark Oljaca and is now led by his son, Tony Oljaca. From our beginnings as a single locksmith store, we have expanded to seven different locations, offering a wide range of product and services beyond and including locksmithing. Our nearly 70 employees have vast knowledge and expertise, and we are committed to the safety and security of our customers. Providing a complete range of safety and security systems, various products, and state of the art services, we provide prompt and professional services that ensure you never have to feel unsafe in your home or workplace again. For a free security screening or to learn more about all we have to offer, get in touch with our seasoned team by calling 604.777.3888 or contacting us through our website.