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Installing a Home Security System by Accurate Security in Vancouver, BC

For most of us, the motivation for installing a home security system is the protection of our valuables, our homes, and most importantly, the members of our families. Installing a security system can also provide a benefit you may not have considered when it comes to your homeowner’s or renter’s insurance policy, and that is the savings offered by your insurance company for installing such a system.

Most home insurance companies offer discounts for installing home security systems like a burglar, fire, and smoke alarms. The reasons for the discounts are obvious, as these systems can help prevent losses due to fire or theft.

Besides the discount on your homeowner’s insurance, being able to avoid a claim can also provide cost savings. Filing a claim with your insurance company will usually raise your annual rates. If your home doesn’t have a security system like a burglar alarm, it has a higher chance of being burglarized, and therefore you have a higher chance of needing to file a claim that could raise your future premiums.

There are many different types of home security systems that offer various levels of protection against the risks you face as a homeowner. Likewise, there are different levels of insurance discounts available to consumers, and understanding how your insurance company computes these discounts is key to making the best decisions about your home security system.

To get the biggest home insurance discount from security systems, your best bet is to add a few different types of alarms. Research showed that you could save more by installing a combination of deadbolts, fire alarms, cameras, smoke alarms, and burglar alarms.

To get the most substantial discount on your homeowner’s insurance, you generally need a centrally monitored system that is linked to an off-site location. If your burglar or fire alarm goes off, then someone at the centralized location will respond and call the police or fire department if needed.

Securing your house with centrally monitored fire, burglary, and other alarm systems will bring you peace of mind. You should feel safe in your home and a home security system will provide that safety. For most people, their home is the largest investment they will ever make. Therefore, protecting it with a home security system is a good idea.

For your commercial, residential, or industrial security needs, you can turn to the professionals at Accurate Security. For over 50 years we have helped homes and businesses throughout British Columbia remain safe and secure. Your safety, as well as the safety of your family or employees, is our top priority No matter your security needs, our team will provide competitive prices and premier security solutions you can trust.

For more information about the services we offer, visit our website or contact us at 604-777-3888.