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Locked self-storage unit in Vancouver, BC

Are you worried about keeping your valuable assets safe? You’ve come to the right place. Whether you’re stashing sensitive documents, pricey inventory, or state-of-the-art equipment, securing your business storage areas is a top priority. Let’s explore some expert tips to help you lock it down right.

High-Quality Locks: The First Line of Defense

First things first, get yourself some top-notch locks. Forget those flimsy padlocks you used in high school. We’re talking heavy-duty, high-quality locks that mean business. Deadbolts, electronic locks and smart locks are excellent choices. They provide reliable security and can be integrated with modern access control systems. Remember, the stronger the lock, the harder it is for intruders to break in.

Access Control Systems. Who Goes There?

Not everyone should have free rein to your storage areas. Implementing access control systems helps you regulate who enters and when. Keycard systems, biometric scanners and pin codes are great for maintaining restricted access. These systems log entries, giving you a clear record of who accessed the area and when. It’s like having a bouncer at the door, and only the right people get in.

Surveillance Cameras: Eyes on the Prize

Want to keep an eye on your assets 24/7? Invest in a strong surveillance camera system. Place cameras at all entry points and within the storage areas to monitor activities in real time. High-definition cameras with night vision and motion detection provide comprehensive coverage even in low-light conditions. Plus, just knowing that they’re being watched can deter potential thieves.

Alarm Systems: Sound the Alarm

An alarm system is a must-have for any secure storage areas. These systems can be connected to doors, windows, and even the storage units themselves. When triggered, they’ll alert you and possibly the authorities instantly, whether it’s a loud siren or a silent alarm. Having a system in place could scare off intruders and minimize losses. It’s like having a watchdog that never sleeps.

Secure Entry Points

Reinforce all entry points to your storage areas. This means doors, windows any other potential access points. Steel doors, reinforced frames and shatterproof glass can prevent break-ins. Make it as difficult as possible for unauthorized access. The goal is to make your storage areas look like a fortress that no one dares to mess with.

Inventory Management: Keep Track of Your Stuff

Organizing and managing your inventory efficiently can also boost security. Use inventory management software to keep a detailed record of what’s stored and where. Regular audits and checks can help you spot discrepancies early on. Knowing exactly what’s in your storage and where it’s located makes it easier to notice if something goes missing.

Practical Organization Tips: Neat and Tidy

A well-organized storage area is not only more efficient but also more secure. Use shelves, bins and labels to keep everything in its place. This reduces the risk of lost items and makes it easier to notice if something’s been tampered with. Plus, a neat storage area just looks better, showing that you mean business when it comes to security.


Your assets deserve the best protection, and with these strategies in place, they’ll get it. So, gear up, lock down and sleep easy knowing that your valuable business assets are safe and secure.

Contact Us Today!

Don’t wait until something happens in your storage areas. Reach out to Accurate Security for robust, multifaceted security solutions. As a family-owned and operated company serving the residents and businesses of British Columbia for over 50 years, we can handle your security needs quickly and completely. Contact us for more information about the products and services we can provide.

For your commercial, residential, or industrial security needs, you can turn to the professionals at Accurate Security. For over 50 years we have helped homes and businesses throughout British Columbia remain safe and secure. Your safety, as well as the safety of your family or employees, is our top priority No matter your security needs, our team will provide competitive prices and premier security solutions you can trust.

For more information about the services we offer, visit our website or contact us at 604-777-3888.