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Target Hardening Services: Protect Your Home and Business With Advanced Security Measures

Protecting your home or business is the top priority for property owners. While many can rely on basic security measures to secure their home or business, others require comprehensive solutions. Accurate Security provides target hardening services for home and business owners in Vancouver, Canada. Since 1968, local business owners and residents have relied on us to protect their property with our high-quality security solutions. As your full-service security professional, we can assess your property, identify security weaknesses, and customize a system to keep you safe. Learn more about target hardening, then contact our team to get started.


Contemporary door handle for a glass door

What Is Target Hardening?

Burglars and vandals often repeatedly target the same location based on its ease of accessibility. Target hardening is a process in which vulnerabilities, such as doors, windows, and locks, are identified, and security measures are implemented to deter criminal activity. This proactive approach focuses more on prevention than reaction by making vandalism and burglary more challenging, time-consuming, and risky to the individuals. Target hardening is more than just about adding an extra deadbolt. It’s about creating a comprehensive, multi-faceted security system that gives homes and businesses peace of mind.

Electronic Door Lock for Condo

Does My Home or Business Need Target Hardening Services?

Target hardening may not be a consideration for many property owners when moving their home or business to an area. When you choose us as your local security specialist, we can help assess your potential needs to ensure your safety. Learn more about the common signs you may need target hardening for your property:

  • History of Break-Ins – Burglary or attempted unauthorized entry is a clear indication that target-hardening measures should be implemented immediately. Target hardening provides the additional protection needed to prevent future issues.
  • Valuables – Homes with expensive electronics, jewelry, and other valuables are prime targets for thieves. Similarly, businesses with costly equipment, inventory, or sensitive data must prioritize security.
  • Local Crime Rate – Living or operating in a neighborhood with a high crime rate increases the likelihood of becoming a target. Implementing a robust security system will help prevent damage and unauthorized entry while providing peace of mind.
Commercial CCTV camera on the ceiling

Why Local Homes and Businesses Choose Us for Target Hardening

Our top priority is to help homes and businesses throughout Vancouver, Canada, and the surrounding communities remain safe. Throughout our history, we’ve been the local locksmith residents trust for all their home and commercial security solutions. Learn more about how we’ve become the area’s local leader for target hardening:

  • Experience – Since 1968, our team has been at the forefront of security innovation and techniques. Our expertise allows us to identify issues that may be otherwise overlooked.
  • Superior Technology – Criminals are becoming increasingly advanced, making outdated techniques and technology vulnerable. Luckily, we can access superior security solutions to help secure your property.
  • End-to-End Assistance – As your single source for target hardening, we offer property assessment, security system design, and implementation, giving you the protection you need fast.
  • Warranties – Many of our security solutions are backed by manufacturer warranties so that you can feel confident about their quality.
An exit sign on a white wall

What Target Hardening Security Systems Are Available?

Each home and business owner requires unique solutions to secure their property. At Advanced Security, our team can identify weaknesses in your existing security systems and bolster them to ensure your property is protected. We can also design and implement a brand-new system specifically for your property. Common target-hardening solutions include the following:

  • High-Security Locks – High-Security locks resist picking, drilling, and other common types of forced entry techniques. Their keys are difficult to duplicate, adding an extra layer of security to your property.
  • Access Control Systems – Monitor and control who can access your property with our access control systems. They ensure that only authorized individuals can enter restricted areas.
  • Security Door Reinforcement – Door bars, astragals, doorknob covers, and expandable gates make it more challenging for burglars and vandals to force their way into your home or business.
  • Intrusion Prevention Services – Installing a security system helps to protect your home or office even when you’re not around. Motion sensors, alarms, and cameras work 24/7 to monitor your property.
Outdoor Security Camera Installation by Professional

Learn More About Our Commercial Target Hardening Solutions

Our commercial target hardening solutions are specifically designed to help businesses deal with the unique security challenges they face. Whether you know exactly what you need to bolster your business’s security or you require assistance from a professional team, we’re here to assist. Some security commercial target hardening solutions include the following:

  • Advanced Lock Systems – An advanced locking system can streamline the entry and exit process while helping you maintain a high level of security.
  • Surveillance Cameras – We offer a variety of surveillance cameras, including high-definition, night vision, and more. Remote access allows you to view the life feed from anywhere.
  • Emergency Exit Hardware – Panic bars, exit alarms, and reinforced doors ensure your exits are secure and easily accessible to protect your employees and customers.
Locking Door with a Key

Trust Our Licensed Team for Target Hardening Services

Securing your home or business provides you, your family, and your employees peace of mind. Our experienced and licensed security professionals offer target hardening services for residential and commercial properties throughout Vancouver, Canada. Whether you need to upgrade your existing security network or design and install a new one, you can count on us for the latest technology. Don’t wait for an incident to occur before taking action. Contact us today to schedule a free consultation.

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Providing Security Solutions for the Greater Vancouver Since 1968